Student/Parent Handbook



Solis Park School Handbook Grades Pk-8

Arrival & Dismissal

Drop Off

ESN (Small Lot) - The small parking lot on the side of the school is for our ESN families only.  We will be providing permits for this lot. This lot requires a right turn only when exiting during high traffic hours.  Please note signage. 

PreK and Kindergarten parents must park on Culture or in the main lot at the front of the school.  All PK and Kinder parents must walk their children to the PreK and Kindergarten line-up area according to schedule (see below where to drop off/pick up PK and Kinder students)

  • Kinder pickup and drop off is at black gate by small parking lot off of Culture.
  • PreK pickup and drop off is at side gate in main parking lot.

Grades 1-8 - The parking lot directly in front of the school is designated for drop off and pick up in the lane closest to the sidewalk. Please follow the directions on any signage and refrain from leaving your car unattended. Please pull all the way forward before having your child exit or enter your car. Please be sure that your child is ready to leave your car prior to entering the drop off lane. This parking lot is also open for parent and visitor parking.  This lot requires a right turn only when exiting during high traffic hours.  Please note signage.

Parking Options - Other than the main parking lot, parking is also available on the street. 


  • Before School - Supervision provided by staff at entry points to our campus, in the parking lots, and on the playground is provided fifteen minutes before school begins every day. For your child’s safety, students should not arrive on campus prior to 7:45 AM (or 15 minutes before their first class). Upon arriving, all students in grades first through fifth report to the playground blacktop and, once the bell rings, line up for class in their assigned area. PreK and Kindergarten students must be accompanied by an adult and line up outside their classroom in their assigned area. 
    • Middle school students can arrive no earlier than 8 AM and can wait for class to start in the middle school quad area
  • After School - Supervision ends ten minutes after dismissal every day. All students should leave campus within ten minutes after dismissal unless other arrangements have been made or they are being directly supervised by a parent. Students who are still on campus after 10 minutes will report to the office, where a parent should sign them out.  No student will be kept after school without prior parent permission. 


  • ESN (Small Lot)- Meet your student where you did drop off in the morning
  • PreK and Kinder students are dismissed directly to their parent or guardian.
  • Students in primary grades (first through third grade) are dismissed at the parent waiting area in the front of the auditorium. 
  • Students in upper grades (fourth through eighth grade) are dismissed by the teacher at the classroom door to independently meet their parents, carpool, daycare provider, or walk home.


We believe that student success begins with daily attendance. As a result, we take steps to ensure that students attend school daily and that each student complies with school attendance laws and stipulations outlined in the California Education Code. The two basic attendance laws are: 

  • All persons 6 through 18 years of age are required by California State Law to attend school. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child’s attendance. (Education Code Section 48200) 

  • A pupil is considered truant if he/she is absent for more than 3 full days in one school year without a valid excuse; tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without valid excuse on 3 occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof. (Education Code Section 48260) 

As parents of elementary school children, you bear the primary responsibility of ensuring that your children are in school daily, arrive on time, and remain in school the entire day. With that in mind, parents are encouraged to take a proactive approach in establishing positive attendance patterns and avoiding chronic truancy. This will assist your children in reaching their highest potential. By law, absences or tardies are only excused if the child is ill, is attending a funeral for an immediate family member, or involved in religious observance. In each case, documentation or proof may be required. Unless it is an emergency, it is recommended that medical and dental appointments be scheduled after school.  

In order to establish positive attendance patterns, it is recommended that parents teach their children the following: 

  • Make education their top priority. 

  • Follow all district and school attendance policies. 

  • Emphasize that education is a precursor to their success in the future. 

  • Remind them if they do not go to school, they will fall behind and struggle with their learning. Understand that tardies and leaving school early should be an exception, not a norm. 

The majority of students who have accumulated more than three unexcused absences or tardies at Solis Park are not considered habitual/chronic truants, but would be categorized as soft truants. Soft Truancy includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Bringing a child late to school (less than 30 minutes). 

  • Picking up your child early for family outings, vacations, frequent medical appointments, etc. Excusing a student as ill for 10 days or more without medical verification. 

  • Frequent excused absences. 

  • Keeping an older child home to baby-sit. 

  • Keeping an older child home to work. 

  • Irregular attendance. 

  • Taking vacation during school. 

Chronic truancy almost always begins with a pattern of soft truancies that is not corrected. In order to keep all of our students safe, it is important that we verify all student absences as soon as possible each day. Should your child need to be absent from school, please call our attendance line at 949-404-1501 to report the absence. This number may be called at any time. If possible, we ask that you call this number and report your child’s absence by 8:00 a.m. By doing this, we can avoid calling you at home or work to verify your child’s absence.  

As important as punctuality and attendance are to student achievement, children should not be sent to school ill. Children who come to the office with a body temperature of 100°F degrees or above will be sent home and should remain at home until a normal body temperature is maintained for 24 hours without medicine. Children who vomit will be sent home and should remain at home for 24 hours or until vomiting has ceased for 24 hours without medication. Missed class work may be requested after the second day of absence. You may contact the teacher directly and check the classroom website for information.   

If you find it necessary to schedule a medical/dental appointment during the child’s class time, please have your child dismissed through the office. A sign-out sheet is located in the main reception area. We do require that children be signed out on this sheet by an adult who is listed on their Contacts List should they need to leave school for any reason.   

 Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be in their class at their scheduled time. Please refer to the bell schedule. If the student is tardy to school, they are to report to the office for a tardy slip.  Middle School students must also be on time to all classes as attendance is taken each period. Tardies are recorded on students’ permanent records.   

Before & After School Care

At Solis Park, we are fortunate to have onsite childcare through our collaboration with the Irvine Childcare Project (ICCP). Rainbow Rising is our provider and the director can be reached at (949) 404-1597 to answer any childcare related questions you might have.

Behavior Expectations (PBIS)

Solis Park  ROAR is a school-wide commitment to positive behavior support. Identifying, teaching, and reinforcing the expected behaviors allows students to achieve academic, behavioral, and social success. Solis Park ROAR was created based on decades of research from the University of Oregon’s Center of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) Our staff identified our behavioral statement of purpose followed by our  ROAR expectations and schoolwide matrix. Please see our school-wide matrix to learn more about Solis Park School’s expected behaviors. The school-wide matrix can be found on the PBIS page of the Solis Park website. 

Behavioral Statement of Purpose

At Solis Park School, our vision is to cultivate, nurture, and learn together in creating an equitable and inclusive community deeply committed to the lifelong flourishing of all students.   At Solis Park we R.O.A.R.!  Our PBIS slogan is … Lions ROAR!!! 

R - We show Respect

  • We serve all individuals in our immediate and broader community. 

  • We intentionally value and include the individuals typically placed at the margins. 

  • We foster strong relationships between all members of the community by valuing and understanding all members holistically. 

O - We have Open Hearts and show kindness

  • We build relationships with all students, staff and caregivers through intentional and purposeful inclusion of all. 

  • In this way, we celebrate diverse cultures and identities and ways of thinking and knowing. 

A - We Act Responsibly

  • We connect with our community to identify and dismantle barriers to success. 

  • We reimagine the possibilities and outcomes education can produce in order to empower our students and ensure their long term flourishing.

R - We take Risks and Rise together

  • We empower our students to be resilient, courageous, and service minded members of our community by utilizing inclusive educational content, engaging in courageous conversations, promoting a sense of justice and action, and creating space for all of our communities to be seen, heard and valued.

P.B.I.S Basics & Research

Utilizing the “Systematic Change Model”, attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results for all children. 

Key Components 

  • Clearly defined school-wide expected behaviors 

  • Expected behaviors are intentionally taught in all school settings 

  • Purposeful reinforcement for demonstrating expected behaviors 

  • Consistent consequences and opportunities for re-teaching expected behaviors 

  • Use of data to make decisions about school-wide practices and individual supports Comprehensive staff and student involvement goals 

  • Improve the academic culture through increased instructional time 

  • Improve the behavioral culture through a decrease in office discipline referrals 

  • Improve school safety and positive peer interactions 

Bicycle & Motorized Scooter Use

Per IUSD Board Policy, students in grades PreK through 2nd are not permitted to ride bikes to and from campus.  Starting in Grade 3, students are permitted to ride their bikes to and from campus.  There are two areas on campus to store bicycles during the school day (one near the small parking lot and one near the middle school quad area).  Any student who chooses to ride to and from school needs to store their bikes in the designated bike racks and should lock their bike with their own personal lock.  The helmet provisions in the vehicle code must be followed, meaning that all persons under 18 years of age (operators and/or passengers) must wear a properly fitted and fastened helmet that meets the standards of law. All scooters, bicycles and e-bikes must be walked onto campus when walking to and from the storage areas/bike racks.

Per California Vehicle Code, Article 5, sections 21220-23330, no one under the age of 16 may operate a motorized scooter.  Visit the Irvine Police Department website for additional details on motorized scooter law.


At Solis Park, we believe in having a safe learning environment and treating each other with respect. Our counseling department, in conjunction with school administration and teachers,  teaches students about our behavior expectations and regularly promotes kindness and anti-bullying strategies through lessons and activities.

No student or group of students shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel. Students who have been bullied or cyberbullied shall promptly report such incidents to any staff member.    

"Bullying" means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communication made in writing or by means of an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Education Code Section 48900.2 (sexual harassment), 48900.3 (hate violence), or 48900.4 (harassment, threats, or intimidation towards school employees), directed toward one or more pupils that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:

  • Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in fear of harm to that pupil's or those pupils' person or property.
  • Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health.
  • Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her academic performance.
  • Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

“Cyberbullying” includes the transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social media, or other technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person's electronic account and assuming that person's identity in order to damage that person's reputation.

Solis Park  is committed to the use of interventions and alternative forms of suspension before a student is suspended for certain education code violations when appropriate.

Campus Visitations

In the interest of safety, we ask that all visitors report to the office to sign in through our automated computer system. Visitors include volunteers, people attending meetings (conferences, IEP meetings and teacher meetings) and any persons who are not IUSD employees but have business on campus. At that time, visitors will be issued a badge to wear, indicating to the students and staff that they are authorized to be on campus. The visitor badge must be worn at all times while on school grounds. In order to effectively manage students during recess and lunch and to ensure their safety in this less restrictive environment, our campus is closed to visitors on our playground and in our lunch area. All volunteers must complete an IUSD Volunteer Registration & Screening Information form online prior to volunteering. This form is completed at the beginning of each school year. Once the form is completed our front office can sign you in for the first time. Additional information about volunteering is available on the district website here.  

All visitors must sign in at the office with a valid physical ID (driver's license, state issued ID card, passport card). If you are visiting a classroom, make sure you have set up this time with the teacher in advance. To limit distractions to the educational setting, please refrain from bringing younger siblings unless the activity you are visiting is appropriate (such as plays or musical performances). 

Classroom Celebrations

Celebrations can be educational, fun, and exciting for our students. Dietary restrictions, cultural beliefs, food allergies, and the varied nutritional preferences of our student population require considerable and deliberate coordination of any event involving food. Students in our school community have life-threatening allergies to certain foods and other allergens. With that in mind, classrooms are expected to follow the guidelines outlined below for celebrations and parties. 

  • As part of our Health and Wellness Initiative, we will not allow food to be shared for student birthday celebrations. 

  • To reduce the risk of exposure to one of the most common allergens, please do not send any peanut or nut containing foods for any classroom celebration or party. 

  • Classrooms will make allowances for students with food allergies or certain health conditions to bring an alternative item and participate in the festivities. 

  • Parents are notified prior to any food being brought into the classroom. 

  • Consider non-food items for parties and events so that all children may participate in the fun. 

  • Consider a physical, art or music activity in lieu of a food party. 

  • Please contact your teacher before bringing any food products to the classroom. 

Classroom Interruptions

The Solis Park staff makes a concerted effort to establish a learning environment that is conducive to the development of good study habits and uninterrupted academic learning time. We seek your cooperation and assistance in this effort. You can help us by: 

  1. Sending the teacher a note or email should you need to pick up your child early. This will allow the teacher time to have your child prepared for pick up. 

  2. Avoiding calling school and leaving messages for your child, unless it is an emergency. The telephone is made available to students only for emergencies. 

  3. Establishing a system that helps eliminate forgotten lunches, homework, money, musical instruments, etc. In the case that items are forgotten, please adhere to the following guidelines. The office staff will not disrupt instruction to alert your child that their item has been delivered nor will office staff deliver items to the classroom. Parents bringing forgotten items to school should deliver them to our front office. Children are encouraged to check the office for forgotten items throughout the day. Forgotten lunches should be placed in the bins in the covered area outside of the double doors to the front office by no later than 11:40 AM. Noon duty assistants will make the bins available to the students in the lunch area at lunchtime. 

Computer and Internet Use

To utilize the computers and local area network at Solis Park, students and their parents are required to annually read and affirm agreement with our Technology Use Agreement. Please discuss school expectations with regard to technology, consequences for misuse of equipment, and the trust and responsibility associated  with access to the Internet. Failure to adhere to this contract may result in disciplinary action and restricted use of technology while at school.

  • Computers are to be used solely for academic use.
  • Games, downloads, and personal email are not allowed at school.
  • All Internet sites must be school appropriate.

Dress Code

We ask that students attending Solis Park wear clothing that is comfortable, clean, and appropriate for a school environment. Our instructional program includes active play so students must wear clothing that allows them to run and jump, this includes closed toed shoes. Clothing and other items students wear must not disrupt the educational process nor create any form of disturbance.  IUSD Board Policy on dress code is linked here.

Inappropriate clothing includes: 

  • Anything that would interfere with the safety of the student/students on campus/playground.

  • Logos and/or pictures that reference illegal activities, derogatory words or images, and/or lewd words or images.

With the support and cooperation of our parents, students, and staff, Solis Park will be a positive and productive learning environment.  

E-Vehicle Information

Solis Park students will be able to park and lock their e-bike in an approved bike rack area.  

E-Vehicle Operation Expectations:

  • Students will walk their e-bike respectfully and safely at all times on campus.
  • Students will park and lock their e-bike in an authorized bike rack location ONLY. 
  • Students will wear a helmet at all times while operating their e-Vehicle.

Early Dismissal & Late Arrival

Students leaving campus early need to be signed out by the parent/guardian. Please come to the office to do so and we will call for your child. Students will only be released to parents or other adults listed by you on the student’s emergency card or contacts list in our system. If there are specific limitations related to the release of a child to a natural parent, please be advised that legal custody documents must be on file in the office. The natural mother or father can obtain their child from school at any time, unless a court order is on file indicating otherwise. Photo identification is required.  

Students arriving late to school need to be signed in by the parent/guardian in the front office. 

Expected Student Behavior

In California, all students have the responsibility to comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and to submit to the authority of teachers (Education Cody 48921).  In addition, the Education Code states that teachers must enforce the course of study, the use of authorized textbooks, and the prescribed rules and regulations.  Also, teachers must hold students to strict account for their conduct (Section 44805).

The Solis Park staff believes that all children, with proper guidance and reinforcement, can behave appropriately at school.  We follow ROAR behaviors here at Solis Park; show Respect; have Open Hearts and Show Kindness; Act Responsibly; and take Risks and Rise Together. It is expected that students will behave appropriately in and out of the classroom. Solis Park employs a Positive Behavior Recognition program (PBIS) where students are taught appropriate behaviors in all settings of the school. Maintaining a safe environment is our first priority. Students who create an unsafe environment for themselves or others, or interfere with the learning process will face disciplinary action.  Please refer to the “WAYS TO BE SAFE AT SOLIS PARK SCHOOL” section for more information. 

Zero Tolerance (IUSD Board Policy)

We enforce a policy of Zero Tolerance, which means that the following violations will result in immediate SUSPENSION or EXPULSION from the Irvine Unified School District.

  • Possession of a firearm

  • Brandishing a knife

  • Sale of Controlled Substance

  • Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault

In addition, the following violations will result in immediate SUSPENSION and a determination of further action that may result in EXPULSION proceedings.

  • Serious physical injury to others

  • Possession of knives, explosives or other dangerous objects on Possession of controlled substance

  • Robbery or extortion

  • Assault or battery upon any school employee

Field Trips

Field trips are an integral part of the school experience. It is common for students in every grade at Solis Park to take a couple of field trips each year. In order for students to participate in a class field trip, a Field Trip Permission Form is required to be completed and signed by a parent/guardian prior to departure. Please note, that while it is permissible under state law for IUSD to collect fees for field trips, all students will be allowed to participate regardless of whether a contribution is made.

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness Irvine Unified School District provides school-based mental health/wellness services and resources ( or to students and families. These services include short-term individual or group counseling for students at the school site; short-term, solution-focused therapy for students and families through the Irvine Family Resource Center; and resource linkages to community-based mental health or social services for students and families. Services are provided by counselors or licensed mental health professionals. 


We all live busy lives, and we know children have numerous extra-curricular activities. We prioritize unstructured time and family time for our students. With this interest in mind, there will be minimal and grade level appropriate homework assigned by our classroom teachers. Our expectation is that students read or are read to each evening. Please see Solis Park Homework Plan for grade level descriptions. 

Illnesses & Accidents at School

We document each time a child comes to the health office and will call home and send a notice if there is an injury to the head or face. If your child does not have a fever or the reason for their health office visit is minor and does not require action from a parent, they will be sent back to class. If your child becomes ill or experiences an accident at school that requires him/her to be sent home or seek medical attention, you will be contacted immediately. If we are unable to reach parent(s) or guardian(s) at home or work, we will then call the emergency contacts listed on your child’s record.   Please keep home phone number(s), work phone number(s), cellular phone number(s), and emergency contact names and phone numbers current in the Parent Portal. If someone cannot be reached that is listed on your child’s emergency card, depending on the seriousness of your child’s condition, paramedics may be called. This includes, but is not limited to a child having an asthma attack or allergic reaction and no inhaler, epi-pen, or medicine has been provided. 911 will be called in all life-threatening situations.  

Lost & Found

Throughout the school year, we accumulate a large number of sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, and lunch boxes. We urge parents to label everything that is sent to school with the child’s first and last name. Items that are labeled are easier to locate when they are put in the Lost and Found. If your child is missing any of these articles, please visit the lost and found racks located near the front office. Small items such as glasses, retainers, jewelry, and more valuable items such as musical instruments are placed in the front office. Unclaimed items are donated to charities during winter recess, spring recess, at the end of the school year, or as needed.

Lunch Options

Please be certain that your child has a lunch each day. If you are bringing a lunch to school after the day has started, you may place it in the late lunch bins in the covered area outside of the office. Please deliver late lunches no later than 11:00 AM and contact your teacher letting them know of the drop off. Food deliveries such as mobile order, delivery services, and large quantity orders are not allowed. (Example:  Postmates, DoorDash, and Uber Eats.)

Hot lunches and snack/breakfast are available for students in grades PreK-8 at no cost.  For Pre-K and Kinder students, because of their limited time on campus, nutrition services typically provide them a snack/breakfast.  

Please view the video linked here for additional information.  Students will need to enter their assigned pin each time they enter the nutrition services line.  If students request an additional lunch, they are available for the price of $3.25 each school day. Students may pay for lunch with cash or by establishing a Titan account through Parent Portal. For additional information about lunch payments please visit the IUSD website. For those students with existing accounts, you may pay online or pay with a check or cash. Envelopes are available in the school office to use if you pay with a check or cash. Once a deposit is made in your child’s account, he/she will be able to buy lunch. If you have any further questions, please call IUSD Food Services at 949-936-6520.  


Any time your child requires medication at school, the medication must be kept in the health office to be given by school personnel. Education Code 49423 allows school personnel to administer medications if the following steps are taken:

  • Physician’s request form is completed and submitted to the office annually for each medication. 

  • Parental release form is on file in the office. Both the physician and a parent must sign the consent form prior to medication being administered at school. This form is available in the school office. 

  • The pharmacy container with the medicine is labeled with the name of the child, name of the medicine, dosage requirements, and physician’s name. 

  • Medicine is brought to school by the parent. 

These regulations apply to non-prescription medications as well. Non-prescription drugs include aspirin, vitamins, cough syrups, cough drops, ointments, etc.

Mental Health & Wellness services and resources: Speak up, we care

The District provides school-based mental health/wellness services and resources to students and families. These services include short-term individual or group counseling for students at the school site; short-term, solution-focused therapy for students and families through the Irvine Family Resource Center; and resource linkages to community-based mental health or social services for students and families. Services are provided by counselors or licensed mental health professionals.

Health & Wellness Services & Resources: Speak Up, We Care:

Mental Health & Wellness:

Crisis Resources

  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (call or text)
  • Warm Line: 1-714-991-6412  (call or text)
  • NAMI HelpLine: 1-800-950-6264 (call), 62640 (text), or (chat)
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741-741
  • Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
  • Crisis Assessment Team: 1-714-517-6353
  • Say Something Anonymous Reporting: 1-844-5-SAYNOW

Non-Discrimination Statement

The Irvine Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities including membership in student clubs shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student's actual or perceived characteristics such as race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status, or the exclusion of any person because of pregnancy or related condition, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

The District does not discriminate in enrollment in or access to any of the activities and programs available. Admission to these programs is based on age appropriateness, class space, interest, aptitude, and prerequisite coursework where applicable. The lack of English skills should not be a barrier to admission to or participation in the District’s activities and programs. The Irvine Unified School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

The Solis Park PTSA is a very active and supportive group. The association is composed of volunteer parents and committed staff members who devote their time and talents to providing support for our school and special experiences and events for our students. Once our middle school has been established, secondary students will have the opportunity to join the PTSA as well. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved. Your membership and participation in this outstanding organization benefits your child’s education. Meetings are held monthly in the school auditorium or library. Membership and other PTSA related information is sent home during the first few weeks of school.   Research shows that parent involvement is key to helping children succeed in school. The idea has been basic to PTSA’s philosophy and action since its beginnings in 1897. PTSA goes even further by stating that children do better in all ways when their parents care about what they are doing at home, in the community and in school.   PTSA activities establish communication between school and home. Parents are encouraged to attend meetings, support activities, and volunteer. Dates and times of meetings and activities will be on the Solis Park website and social media. PTSA questions can be directed to 

Parent Volunteers

Solis Park welcomes and values our volunteer parents. Without volunteers, many programs and activities offered at our school would not be possible. Parents will be given opportunities to sign-up to help in the classroom, and to assist with various events taking place throughout the school year.  In the interest of safety, we do ask that all volunteers report to the office to sign in through our automated computer system. At that time, volunteers will be issued a badge to wear, indicating to the students and staff that they are authorized to be on campus. The volunteer badge must be worn at all times when on school grounds.   All volunteers must complete an IUSD Volunteer Registration & Screening Information form online prior to volunteering. This form is completed at the beginning of each school year. Once the form is completed our front office can sign you in for the first time. To limit distractions to the educational setting, please refrain from bringing younger siblings. Additional information about volunteering is available on the district website here. Room parents are organized through our PTSA. 

Personal Property & Technology use

We ask that you take care of all arrangements for the day with your children before they leave for school. If the forecast is for rain, send them in a coat or jacket and give them a plan for pick up/dismissal for inclement weather. If after school activities are scheduled, be certain that they know what is expected of them before they leave for school. We ask that ONLY EMERGENCY MESSAGES be telephoned in to children, since we strive to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum. Arrangements with friends must be made prior to coming to school.

Personal play equipment, such as toys, balls, games, etc. should not be brought to school unless special permission has been granted by the teacher or principal. This includes electronic devices like phones, smart watches, music players, media players, and video games. If students bring these devices to school, they must be turned off and can only be accessed before or after school.  

Sales of personal items on school campus are strictly prohibited.

Under no circumstances are alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, knives, guns, replica guns, or other weapons permitted on campus. Students in possession of the above items will be suspended and/or expelled from school.

Technology Use (Personal cell phones, smart watches, etc.) 

  • We ask that any emergency messages to children be telephoned through the office since we strive to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum. 
  • Cell phones are permitted at school, however, board policy requires that they be deactivated during the regular school day and used only during an emergency affecting the school or community. The use of cell phones (and smart watches that communicate like a cell phone... e.g. Apple Watch, Gizmo Gadget, etc.) is prohibited during school hours. They are to be turned off and in the student’s backpack during school hours. Cell phones that are turned on during school hours are subject to confiscation and will only be returned to a parent through the front office. 

  • Smart watches should be placed in airplane mode when at school.


Pets should not be on campus unless the teacher or principal has granted special permission. Please be aware that, pursuant to Orange County Ordinance 41.46, animals are not to be on school grounds at any time. Should you choose to bring your animal when walking your child to and from school, please wait for your child off school grounds. If you do walk your student to campus with your dog, keep in mind that Section 4-5-701 of the Irvine Municipal Code states dogs must be kept on a leash when off the property of the owner. 

Playground/School Supervision

Supervision by staff at entry points to our campus, in the parking lots, and on the playground is provided fifteen minutes before school begins every day. For your child’s safety, students should not arrive on campus prior to 7:45 AM. Upon arriving, all students in grades first through sixth report to the playground blacktop and line up for class in their assigned area. PreK and Kindergarten students must be accompanied by an adult and line up outside their classroom in their assigned area. They are dismissed directly to their parent or guardian at dismissal. Students in primary grades (first through third grade) are dismissed at the parent waiting area in the front of the auditorium. Students in upper grades (fourth through sixth grade) are dismissed by the teacher at the classroom door to independently meet their parents, carpool, daycare provider, or walk home. After school supervision ends ten minutes after dismissal every day. All students should leave campus within ten minutes after dismissal unless other arrangements have been made or they are being directly supervised by a parent. Students who are still on campus after 10 minutes will report to the office, where a parent should sign them out.  No student will be kept after school without prior parent permission.   Recess and lunch supervision is provided by trained Solis Park staff. Playground supervisors are easily identified by the vests they wear and their IUSD identification badge.

Reports Cards & Parent Conferences

Report cards are issued at the end of each trimester during the school year. During the first month of school, parents are invited to attend Back to School Night to learn about the grade level curriculum and instructional program for their child. A goal setting parent/teacher conference is held in October to establish learning goals for each student. A second parent/teacher conference is scheduled in the spring for some students. Parents are encouraged to schedule conferences with the teacher anytime they feel there is a need during the school year. Open House is scheduled in February. During Open House, members of the family are invited to come and share in the activities and experiences of our students.

Safety & Emergency Preparedness

We want to assure you that Solis Park School has an extensive emergency plan. In compliance with California law, the Irvine Unified School District uses the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) in its emergency plans and procedures. Response procedures are in place to activate the emergency plan. Each year the staff reviews and practices the plan in mock drills to ensure the safest and most efficient response to an emergency. State law requires each elementary school to conduct monthly fire drills, a lockdown drill, and a drop-and-cover drill as part of the emergency preparedness plan.   

How can you help ensure our students’ safety as a parent? 

  • Always sign-in your child at the office if your child is arriving late or sign-out your child in the office if your child is leaving school. 

  • Make sure to sign-in and out at the front office and wear a visitor/volunteer sticker at all times when visiting the school. 

  • Be familiar with the school site and report anything out of the ordinary to the school office or after school hours to the police. 

  • Carefully read newsletters and correspondence sent home by the school.   

In the event of an emergency: 

  • Remain calm. 

  • Walk to the playground and follow student release procedures. 

  • Ask, “How can I help?” 

  • Volunteer and follow the instructions and guidelines carefully.

Safety Issues

The following acts occurring to or from school, at school, or at a school activity may lead to suspension and/or expulsion:  

  • Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. (48900.a)  
  • Possessed, sold or furnished a knife, explosive, or dangerous weapon and/or imitations. (48900.b) 
  • Possessed, used, sold, furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant. (48900.c)  
  • Possessed, offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia. (48900.j)  
  • Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion. (48900.e)  
  • Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property. (48900.f)  
  • Stolen or attempted to steal school or private property. (48900.g)  
  • Knowingly received stolen school or private property.  Possessed or used tobacco or tobacco products. (48900.h)  
  • Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. (48900.i)  
  • Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the authority of school personnel. (48900.k)  
  • Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a student who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding. (48900.o)  
  • Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault, or committed a sexual battery. (48900.n)  
  • Committed sexual harassment. (48900.2) 

All other education code violations may result in suspension or a recommendation for expulsion depending on the severity of the violation or if other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct, or that due to the nature of the violation, the presence of the pupil causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others.

Student Accident/Health Insurance

The school district makes available to parents a low cost accident and health insurance plan for their children. Forms are available through our re-registration/data confirmation process. Additional forms are available in the office.

Student Fees

California's Constitution affirms that students and parents cannot be required to pay money to gain access to educational activities, nor can they be charged for materials and supplies necessary to participate in educational activities.   

“Educational activities” has been clearly defined to include extracurricular offerings such as music, sports and some clubs. Moreover, the rules described above are believed to apply to all affiliated groups supporting district and school programs, including PTAs, boosters and foundations.   

In 2010, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the state over impermissible fees, charges and deposits imposed on public school students. Two years later, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that codified existing laws and judicial decisions while establishing reasonable enforcement measures for schools and districts. The ACLU subsequently dropped its suit.   

It should be noted that IUSD was in the process of analyzing its own practices even before the ACLU suit, looking specifically at funding requests that were made to help offset the cost of transportation, elective courses, summer school classes and essential supplies and equipment. The district has since worked to clarify that parent donations for most educational activities are voluntary, and that students will not be denied participation if their families choose not to contribute.  For further information, please check the following link on the Irvine Unified School District website:

Teacher Communication

The best way to reach a teacher is to contact them directly. Please see the school’s web page for a list of teacher phone numbers. During class time, calls will go directly into voicemail. You may also email teachers (full first name then full last name The full directory of staff members can be found on the Solis Park website at 

We ask that any emergency messages to children be telephoned through the office since we strive to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum.

Telephone & Mobile Devices

Unless otherwise directed by a teacher, all cellular phones and electronic devices (i.e. smart phone, tablet, iPad, smart watch, etc.) must be completely turned off (not just placed on silent mode) and put away in backpacks during school hours (including recess and lunch).  Texting, social media, taking videos, photographs or audio recordings at school is not allowed without prior permission from a teacher or administrator. Any phone that rings, vibrates or is used during the school day without teacher permission is subject to confiscation and parent pick-up. We realize that having to pick up a student’s phone or device may be inconvenient and, therefore, we recommend you discuss this policy with your child in order to avoid this problem.  Solis Park does not take responsibility for lost or damaged cell phones (Board Policy 5131.6).

The phone in the front office may be used by students during the school day for emergency purposes or urgent matters and used by students after school who are unable to locate or otherwise contact their parent/guardian. In order to minimize classroom interruptions, we also do not deliver non-emergency phone messages from the office to individual classrooms. We ask that any emergency messages to children be telephoned through the office since we strive to keep instructional interruptions to a minimum. Any after school arrangements should be made before coming to school. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Textbooks & Library Books

Textbooks and library books are school property and are loaned to students. Students are responsible for their safekeeping. Students are responsible to pay for lost or damaged textbooks and library books. Most textbooks are available online.

Tobacco & Drug Use

The use of products containing tobacco or nicotine, or other illegal substances such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew, clove cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs, and other vapor emitting devices with or without nicotine content by students on any district campus or while attending school-sponsored activities is not allowed.

Ways to Be Safe at School

To and From School

  • Walk, ride a bike, or ride in a car to school
  • Campus opens 15 minutes before school
  • Campus closes 10 minutes after school
  • Cross only with the crossing guard or on designated crosswalks
  • Cross the school parking lot only where a teacher is on duty


  • Students 3rd grade and above are welcome to ride bikes to/from school
  • All bicycles MUST be parked in the bike rack and LOCKED
  • Students may not share a bicycle lock – only one bicycle per lock!
  • Helmets MUST be worn by all students riding to and from school
  • All bicycles must be walked on school grounds
  • Children should never ride two on one bicycle
  • Bicycles must be in safe working condition
  • Students are not to loiter in or around the bike rack area at any time
  • All students riding bikes to and from school must have a permit on record in the school office
  • We suggest that every bicycle be licensed through the Irvine Police Department
  • Electronic bikes and scooters are not allowed on campus.  A driver’s license or instruction permit is required to operate a motorized scooter

Scooters, Skateboards, Penny Boards, etc.

Scooters, skateboards, and penny boards are allowed for students in grades 6-8 only.  This special privilege is extended only to 6-8 grade students provided that they adhere to the following three conditions. The privilege can be revoked at any time if these conditions are not met.

  • May not be ridden anywhere on campus at any time.
  • Helmets must be worn and properly fastened at all times.
  • Must be stored properly in the bike rack or in a designated classroom space, as allowed by the classroom teachers.

Around Campus

  • WALK when on campus
  • Keep pets at home
  • Use the bathroom correctly (no playing or teasing, maintain privacy at all times)
  • Keep toys at home
  • Follow directions and obey all adults
  • Report unsafe conditions (glass, snakes, etc.)
  • Respect our benches and flowerbeds
  • Wear proper clothes and shoes for play (no sandals or open-toed shoes)
  • Keep all medicine in the health office
  • Stay out of classrooms and common areas when teachers are not present

During Lunch

  • Pick up after yourselves 
  • Place all trash in the trash cans
  • Eat your own lunch
  • Leave glass containers at home

During Snack

  • Keep playground equipment away from buildings
  • Stay where a supervisor can see you (outside quad, within boundaries)
  • Ask a campus supervisor for help
  • Know and follow game rules
  • Use playground equipment safely
  • Leave sticks on the ground
  • Tell supervisor if injured

Game and Equipment Rules

  • Respect school property and private property.
  • Use equipment appropriately and safely.
  • Leave all toys, games, and personal items at home.
  • Students will use appropriate language at all times.
  • Hitting, kicking, wrestling, roughhousing, play fighting, and unsafe play are not allowed.
  • Students must not go beyond the boundary lines.
  • Students must have a pass to be in the building or any classroom during recess or lunch periods.
  • No one can be excluded from any game unless permission has been granted by the playground supervisors.
  • Students are allowed to make positive comments only (no put-downs).
  • Saving places in line is not permitted.
  • Disputes are resolved by a vote of all participating players.
  • Chase or tag games are only allowed on the grass.
  • Students are expected to walk on the blacktop.
  • Do not climb on fences or trees.
  • Do not hit balls against buildings or classrooms.
  • No standing on or in the planters.
  • All snacks must be eaten at the lunch tables only.

Solis Park School Middle School Grades 6-8

Academic Honesty poicy

The Irvine Unified School District and Solis Park place an emphasis on ethical behavior and academic honesty. At Solis Park, our learning community requires students to take responsibility for their own personal conduct in both social and academic endeavors. 

Core ethical values of honesty, responsibility, compassion, perseverance, respectfulness, cooperation, civic duty, and courage reflect this emphasis.  We expect that all students will complete their own work and complete all assignments and assessments based on their own research, knowledge base and efforts in a manner that fully complies with their teacher’s norms, directives and policies.

Students demonstrate academic honesty by NOT participating in the following actions. These definitions do not represent a complete list of possible infractions; rather, they provide examples of the range of conduct which violates academic honesty expectations.

  • Cheating on Tests - Any use of external assistance relating to an examination, test, or quiz without expressed permission of the teacher. This includes looking at another student's paper, sharing answers, possession of materials, or copying another student's paper.
  • Fabrication - Any intentional falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic exercise. 
  • Unauthorized Collaboration - Collaboration on an assignment between a student and another person, if such collaboration is not expressly directed or permitted by the teacher. This includes copying another student's work, allowing work to be copied or completing assignments for others, giving or "passing" any assessments to other students for the following year, or receiving any assessments from other students. 
  • Plagiarism - Any representation of another's ideas, words, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, electronic material, and/or the work of other students. The original writer who intentionally shares his/her paper for another to copy, without the permission of the teacher, has also engaged in plagiarism. 
  • Alteration of Materials - Any intentional and unauthorized alteration of student, teacher, or library instructional or assessment materials. This may include changing answers after the fact.
  • Theft - Any unauthorized taking, concealment, or alteration of student or teacher instructional or assessment materials or equipment, including, but not limited to, the district data network, internet, and other on-line resources.
  • Transfer or Use of Unauthorized Materials - includes the use of unapproved translation devices, or any giving or selling of unauthorized materials. 
  • Digital Citizenship Violations - Per Board Policy 6163.4 (Acceptable Use Policy) Students should refrain from using technological resources for infractions that involve academic dishonesty.  These include using technology to copy, plagiarize, collaborate inappropriately, sending or receiving test questions, accessing another’s account, or hacking into computer systems.

To demonstrate academic honesty, students must:

  • Do their own work as directed by a teacher.
  • Not take credit for work done by anyone else.
  • Refuse to aid any form of academic dishonesty.
  • Understand the difference between collaboration and cheating (if you don’t, ask your teacher!) and collaborate with others in a way that is permissible.

Students who violate the academic honesty policy may have the following consequences:

  • Parent notification by the teacher and referral to the Assistant Principal or Academic Counselor.
  • Reflective assignment to be turned into the Assistant Principal.
  • Violations may affect honors recommendation for the next grade level.

It shall be the judgment and responsibility of teachers to determine whether an academic dishonesty violation has occurred. 

The full academic honesty policy can be found on the IUSD website.


The purpose of the advisement program is to build a relationship between middle school students and staff which encourages communication and keeps staff informed of the needs and concerns of students. Solis Park students meet multiple times through the week in their advisement groups with the same advisor. The advisor assists students with educational planning, academic and social emotional support. The advisement program also encourages communication between home and school. Advisors meet with parents and students for goal setting conferences and monitoring of progress. Throughout the school year, parents or students may contact advisors as the primary contact person for any concerns or issues that may arise.


Student Council sponsors several dances during the school year. All dances will be held in the Solis Park Auditorium. Teachers and other staff will act as chaperones to ensure appropriate behavior. Tickets are presold and students must have a permission slip with a phone number and a parent signature in order to buy a dance ticket. Night dances typically begin at 5:00 p.m. and end at 8:00 p.m.

  • Dances are for Solis Park Middle School students only.
  • Students must demonstrate behavior appropriate to the dance and abide by all school rules. Students who do not abide by school and dance rules may be excluded from present and/or future dances and may lose other privileges.
  • Students must attend school the full day of the dance in order to attend.
  • Students must have an adult available by telephone during the dance hours.
  • Students must arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the dance.
  • Students must enter the dance through appropriate entrances upon arrival.
  • Students must remain within the dance boundaries until the end of the dance.
  • Students may leave the dance early ONLY if their parent picks them up.
  • Students must wait in front of the school to be picked up.
  • Parents are to pick students up promptly at the end of the dance. Students who are picked up more than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the dance may not attend the next dance. 
  • During the dance, students must check in cell phones.  They will be returned at the end of the dance or as requested by student with faculty supervision.

Students who have had major disciplinary action due to inappropriate behavior may be prohibited from attending extracurricular activities for safety reasons.


E-Vehicle Information

Solis Park students will be able to park and lock their registered e-bike in an approved bike rack area. Vehicles parked without a registration sticker or on an unauthorized location on campus will be issued the following:

  • 1st Offense: Warning        
  • 2nd Offense: Detention      
  • 3rd Offense: e-Vehicle held by office

E-Vehicle Operation Expectations:

  • Students will walk their e-bike respectfully and safely at all times on campus.
  • Students will park and lock their e-bike in an authorized bike rack location ONLY. 
  • Registration stickers must be visibly displayed on the frame of the e-bike, e-scooter, or e-skateboard.
  • Students will wear a helmet at all times while operating their e-Vehicle.
  • Students will follow safety guidelines detailed in the e-Vehicle Safety meeting. 

Middle School Students who meet the following requirements will be eligible for a registration sticker:

  • Attendance at an e-Vehicle Safety meeting at a high school campus prior to issuance of a registration sticker.
  • Parent/Guardian attendance at an e-Vehicle Safety meeting at a high school campus prior to issuance of a registration sticker.
  • Meets the e-Vehicle Operation Expectations outlined below. 

(Registration stickers are non transferable from person to person)

Consequences for not meeting expectations:

  • Students not meeting expectations may receive detention.
  • Students with excessive violations of e-Vehicle Expectations may lose their parking privilege.
  • Students with excessive violations may result in suspension of registration sticker.
  • Solis Park Administration reserves the right to revoke any permit if any of the above expectations or other expectations in the Solis Park Code of Conduct are not met.

To qualify for a registration sticker, you will provide evidence of the following to the Solis Park Office.

  • Copy of the Solis Park E-Vehicle Registration Form signed by student and parent/guardian – submit in person
  • Verification of Attendance from date and location of IPD e-Vehicle Safety Presentation

Online Learning Expectations

In the event of a move to Emergency Distance Learning, it is important for students to recognize: 

  • Following the teacher’s directions is very important.  Read what is expected of you and ask your teacher or classmates for clarification.
  • Respect the work of others - don’t tamper with anyone else’s work unless you have permission to collaborate. (see ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY)
  • Maintain communication with all teachers about assignments / expectations.  We understand everyone’s situation is unique, and the best way to receive accommodations during EDL is to communicate regularly with your teachers.

Physical Education

A co-educational instructional program is designed to encourage lifetime involvement in physical activity.  Basic knowledge and skill acquisition in a variety of individual and team sports and activities are presented with an emphasis on FUN, FITNESS, and SPORTSMANSHIP.  Proper athletic shoes and clothing are required for every PE lesson.  A parent note is required to excuse a student from activities; a doctor’s note is requested after three consecutive days of absence from activity.

Progress Reports

Parents are able to check their student’s grade on a regular basis using the Parent Portal at Progress Reports provide parents with information about student progress in classes and are provided approximately 5-6 weeks into each trimester.

Parents are encouraged to assist students having difficulties so that performance improves prior to the trimester final grades. Appointments with teachers and/or counselors are encouraged when performance expectations are not met. A Report Card showing academic grades, citizenship marks, work habits marks, and comments is provided at the end of each trimester.

Sexual Harassment

The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation or insult, student-to-student or adult-to-student, on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression. Positive action will be taken when necessary to eliminate such practices or remedy their effects (Board Policy 5145.7).

Sexual harassment, as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes, constitutes an unlawful form of sex discrimination in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition, sexual harassment constitutes violation of the California Education Code, regulations of the State Board of Education, and District Policy. As such, sexual harassment may constitute just cause for discipline pursuant to applicable Education Code Sections.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding the sexual harassment policy:

  • Solis Park School: Principal Heather Phillips,  101 Abacus, Irvine, CA 92618, (949)404-1505
  • District Office: Title IX Coordinator – Keith Tuominen, Director, Secondary Education, 5050 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604, (949)936-5047